As a member of wkrm Design, I had the opportunity to work as a part of a team helping with research, branding, and identity for the University of Texas at Austin Design Students Association.
Design Students' Association is a group of students either in the Design major or seriously interested in design. The group offers benefits like creative workshops, design community outings, homework studio sessions, and more. Wkrm was tasked with helping to rebrand and revamp DSA.
The process started with figuring out what students wanted from DSA, which meant conducting research. Each of us took time to interview students within and outside of the Design major to determine how we could structure the organization to be the best resource and experience possible for them. Sorting these responses into categories helped us see the areas in which DSA was lacking, and enabled us to develop solutions for improvement. In addition, we were able to see what DSA was doing right, and make an effort to ensure those things continued.
We looked to existing student organizations related to design for ideas about the best way to structure our own, and took inspiration from organizations outside of the major for ways to build community, encourage participation, and develop an identity with longevity and flexibility.
Months after this project, DSA evolved into AIGA at UT Austin! AIGA at UT Austin describes itself as: "an organization for University of Texas students...We aim to create an active community by providing opportunities for professional development, enhancement of technical skills, and networking through both in-house and local design related events. AIGA at UT Austin works directly with the local AIGA chapter to provide numerous opportunities to AIGA at UT Austin members.